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Customer Feedback and Quotes

CME Seminars strives to provide up-to-date continuing medical education that helps providers learn in ways that are convenient for them. Here’s what past CME conference and webinar attendees have to say about their experience.

See What They’re Saying

“I loved every single lecture and speaker! They were extremely knowledgeable and everything was relevant to what I do every day. I am grateful for such an amazing conference that meets my needs in clinical practice.”

FranchescaWomen's Health and Psychiatry for Primary Care 4/8/24 - 4/12/24

“Great location. Great experience. Loved the beach and the format allowing education hours and time to relax also. Very easy registration process. Staff were so professional, friendly and accommodating to all my concerns and questions from start to finish. The hotel was perfect. Content was spot on. I will definitely attend again if this week is available next year. Would love same location, same week. Great perk having breakfast vouchers. One of the best CEU companies and experiences I have had and I have 25 years experience in Healthcare. Thank you for an awesome event.”

Sandra V.Family & Internal Medicine 9/19/22 - 9/23/22

“Again - just the practicality of the presenters as a whole . Every day , real time suggestions - everything from how to handle children / teen / adult migraine to how to best address management of a vertebral compression fracture in the post menopausal woman . All info was of tremendous value .

Love, love, love your conferences. CME Seminars is now the first place on my list to look for classes.”

Elizabeth J.Women's Health 6/27/22 - 7/1/22

“I am so delighted to be a part of this seminar, very detailed, informative and enlightening. Let me know if in the future you have topics on GU, GI, HTN/HLD and Derm.

I am actually getting my money’s worth.

Good job getting these speakers.”

Primary Care: Internal Medicine Top Topics3/29/21 - 4/2/21

“I believe Dr. Epps’s’ explanation and comments on why we still have doubters of the value of vaccinations should be shared on some sort of national media. It was that good. With the crazy statements we have constantly heard from some government leaders (and even the CDC) regarding COVID 19, this information is needed. Hopefully most people will pay attention.”

Pediatric Infectious Disease Webinar12/2/20 & 12/8/20

“Speaker was excellent. She explain things in a very useful and practical way. I love the format at home for a viewing as I can Concentrate and be comfortable.”

Internal Medicine Update Webinar12/3/20 & 12/8/20

“Excellent lectures! A wealth of information! I’m actually a retired anesthesiologist, who now volunteers at the Hispanic clinics, since I am bilingual. I’m having to review a lot of family and internal medicine. Fortunately, I’m primarily seeing HT, diabetes, and low back pain for now. They are starting me off easy! I really enjoyed listening to them talking about how they interacted with the patients, and their bedside manners. That was just as important as their history and physical! They also made Family medicine seem very relevant and consequential, at a time when everyone wants to be an Orthopod! I think that if medical students heard them talk, and heard their approach to, and respect for their patients and their service, more of them would choose to go into Family Medicine!”


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